
Many of my clients write at length about their experience with me. It seems a shame to edit them down to a one or two line comment that scrolls by so quickly. So, here are some of my favourite testimonials unedited! Well, unless my husband corrected some grammar here or there ;)

  • Moreah

    Group classes with Margo are great… but the one-on-one classes are where the Gold the is… (well, I actually prefer platinum 😊)!

    There is something about Margo that helps quell my fears and insecurities. Perhaps it is her honesty and her ‘real-speak’. Margo is magical and powerful…and she is human, she doesn’t pretend otherwise.

    During my private practice readings, mediumship, and energy healing classes, (with the amazing volunteers that stepped forward), Margo provided exactly what I needed. She knew when to step-in, when to push me for more, and when to give me space.

    Having her there guiding me in this format, was what allowed me to open to what was coming thru, to trust the messages I was receiving. In Margo’s presence I felt empowered, safe, supported, and this allowed me to open more fully to what was happening.

    This one-on-one guidance was exactly what I needed. Without it, I would not have been able to go as deep in the practice sessions.

    I highly, highly, recommend Margo’s private classes; they are well worth the investment!

  • Anon

    I had the pleasure of taking a private course with Margo, and I want to express my deep appreciation for the way that she connected specifically with my needs at the time. We were able to work together to clear some pretty significant personal blocks I was holding onto.

    She helped me to get clarity on what my gifts are, how to sharpen my abilities, and how to gain confidence in myself and my ability to receive messages from spirit. Margo provided me with some excellent guidance on how to take my gifts and create a viable, abundant and thriving business. Margo is an incredibly amazing teacher and medium.

    I am stepping up as the light worker I am meant to be, and Margo has been instrumental in getting me to this point. If you are considering her as a mentor, or coach jump at the opportunity, you will not be disappointed.

  • Judi

    Thank you again from the both of us for the amazing, inspiring Soul Ceremony/readings you performed on us last Thursday. We walked away in awe and introspection – still trying to process every word and every step you took us through. It was truly life changing. We feel different in a good way, at peace and are so excited for what the future holds.

    You have unburdened our souls. Personally, there is now a little sprite/pixie – probably a wee angel – dancing around in my body. She is so excited and happy in her purple and pink. (Plus that glowing pyramid…) And now after hearing your connections to Rural Route and Edmonton, Sharon and I can hardly contain ourselves for our next steps in the future.

    Thank you for everything you've given us so far. It's beyond our wildest expectations.

  • Amber

    “I am incredibly grateful for all of your messages, as well as the clearing you did with me.  I feel lighter, empowered, and just different...in a really good way. 

    I'm not quite sure Jasper knows just how lucky they are to have you living/working in this town.  You are a gift for sure!”

  • Anon

    Personally, I've been floundering for so long. It is such a mental relief to be excited instead of anxious, and to be at calm with purpose instead of my mindspeak chattering all the time about not doing enough.

    There are not enough words to thank you...

  • Ashley

    “ ‘There is no way I will meet someone I am interested in very soon, or fall in love anytime soon…’

    Three months later I met my current partner. He lives in the unit two doors down from me… on the same floor of my apartment building (which has 39 floors)… and we met waiting for the elevator. I think about your reading a lot and thought you would like to know.”

  • Anon

    When I met Margo I felt her warm, loving energy, and she made me feel safe. She said she saw jungle around me and I was soon to be heading to the jungle. She even picked up on the Shaman’s drumming for me from My session with Ian. Everything she picked up on was bang on !

    She even saw that I was stuck on a loop, repeating the same patterns over and over and this is why I came to see her. I couldn’t get out of this depressed slump no matter what I did. I had got the message that I was healed and now it’s time for the next phase of my life and she repeated that same message to me. Half of my healing team was no longer of service to me and I got upgraded with a higher evolved team that was prepared to guide me on the rest of my journey.

    After my session with Margo I noticed little shifts but profound ones. I could feel the new me emerging ❤️

    I’m forever grateful to Margo for assisting me on my journey

  • Moreah

    Thank you for offering such a safe, supported and beautiful environment.

    Thank you for constantly putting yourself ‘out there’ regardless of the challenges that brings.

    I don’t know that I ever recall walking into a class feeling so empowered.

    I knew deep in my bones that I could do it, that I was born to do it (writing this makes me uncomfortable… and it is the truth).

    Yes, I was nervous. Yes, I was talking-myself-out-of-it. Yes, I worried I would ‘fail’…

    And I knew I could.

    There is a calmness in my body, in my being, that didn’t exist before the weekend. I feel like I am sinking deeper into the layers of who I am. Recalibrating.

    You share your gifts, you teach, with passion and love.

    Your ‘realness’, your ‘human-ness’, your magic, the beauty and the struggles – you share all of this so openly and warmly. You offer your students a safe container; providing a place where we can explore what is true for us.

    Thank you for being the magical, sparkly, Unicorn that you are! ✨💞🦄

    Looking forward to continuing on this path with your guidance.

  • Toni

    I just wanted to say how grateful I am for Margo's spiritual work and how she communicates in a way that resonates with my scientific mind.

    She makes powerful spiritual principles seem accessible and applicable to your life. And her work retains all the beautiful ethereal magic-without making it seem so abstract that it feels too far away from real life to actually USE her insights.

  • Shellie

    You are so incredibly business savvy. Thank you for reigniting the spark!